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The Book of Change
Thursday, 17 August 2023
Changed @ 14:35 - Link - comments
When it comes to arts and crafts, I've always been ready to admit that I am not the most practical of people. It can be really frustrating - I have a picture in my mind of what I want to build or create or draw but my efforts fall far short of my aspirations. But it does seem that persistence might be starting to improve my efforts.
During the recent festivities there was an opportunity to use the plants growing around the newly-discovered oasis in the desert to create a Summerfaire Flower Crown. I had an idea for the crown, but how closely I could follow it depended on the precise colours of what was growing there.
I found exactly what I needed. And with a lot of care and only a few muttered oaths, I was for once able to make something exactly as I had wished to. A silver band, with blossoms of blue and white, and red and scarlet, and at the centre the green which symbolises so much.

The festivities were numerous and highly enjoyable. There were opportunities to chat with friends old and new. Music and tale-tellings, paint war or dying on the board during a game of Smites&Cannons - all of these strengthen the bonds between the adventurers who walk these lands we call home. And the ceremonies to mark the beginning and end of the festive season recognise the relationship between mortal and deity.